Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Telenav Track and Sprint Help National Technology Deployment and Installation Company Improve Communication and Efficiency


Federated Service Solutions is the fastest growing national provider of technology installation services for the retail, banking and financial services industries. The company’s field service operations include 90 technicians who provide wiring and cabling services for Internet, phone, CCTV and security systems for some of the nation’s largest retailers.


Before implementing TeleNav Track, Federated Service Solutions had to rely on technicians’ personal wireless phones to contact them with job details and identify their whereabouts. This made the company liable for wireless phone charges, made monitoring their locations inefficient, and provided no paperless solution to communicate job details or track technicians’ hours. The company also had no way to get up-to-date job status information, compromising their ability to respond to customer inquiries and delaying notification of job completions.


Federated Service Solutions turned to TeleNav Track to improve communication with technicians. With the GPS technology offered by TeleNav Track, dispatchers can log onto a Web site for technicians’ exact, real-time whereabouts. The system also enables dispatchers to transmit complete job details to technicians, ensure technicians are clocking in and out, and review complete, up-todate status information. Technicians also use the system’s navigation functions to get driving directions, which allows them to reduce their time on the road. Company executives appreciate other benefits including saving time on work orders, having clear, accurate evidence of hours worked, and saving money on fuel and vehicle wear and tear.


“We are very happy with TeleNav Track,” said Jennifer Ferris, Corporate Operations Analyst of Federated Service Solutions. “We like the fact that we can find out where technicians are at any time. It’s a big customer service benefit.” Ferris also appreciates that they can monitor technicians’ hours and revise customer estimates if necessary, benefiting the company’s bottom line. “Before TeleNav Track, we would only get a rough estimate of the hours technicians worked. Now we have factual evidence of technicians’ hours and can change the costs invoiced to the customer if we need to,” said Ferris. Federated Service Solutions employees are exceptionally satisfied with the system. “As with any system, it took time to get used to it,” said Ferris. “But now that they realize all the benefits the system provides, they welcome the change.”