Monday, February 25, 2008

Sprint Saves Student's Grade

The following testimonial is from customer Michael Greiner who was the winner of the Mobile U category in the SprintSpeed stories contest. When the power went out, Michael used his Sprint broadband network card and his Sprint Motorola Q to crank out a final paper and turn it in just before the deadline. But was it enough to get him an ‘A’?

Deadlines and dead lines

Most people have had a teacher like Michael Greiner’s college professor – the type of person who does not allow late homework no matter what the excuse. Well, imagine you’re working on an end-of-semester paper for said professor and the day it’s due, the power and network go down.

This is the exact scenario Michael, a student at Drake University in Iowa, found himself in at semester-end last year. But instead of searching for leniency where he knew he’d find none, Michael just searched for his Sprint Mobile Broadband Card and his Sprint device. “Luckily for me, I was on my laptop when the network went down,” Michael said. “I threw in my Mobile Broadband Card and went right back to work. The paper was due at midnight of that night, so I cranked it into high gear and finished about 11:50 p.m. and e-mailed it straight off.

The next day at class, the professor said only five out of 103 students turned in their papers on time because of the network outage that lasted all night.” Good thing Michael had SprintSpeed at his fingertips, because the 98 students who didn’t get the paper in on time were docked a letter grade. Michael explained that if the Internet is down, his professor expects a paper copy. Or if he’s out of the office, which most professors would be at that time of night, students are required to e-mail him the paper on time.

“I ended up getting an ‘A’ on a paper worth 40 percent of my grade and an ‘A’ in the class thanks to Sprint’s Mobile Broadband Network and a good laptop battery,” Michael said.